Competition between schools is currently increasingly competitive.Formal education, in this case schools, is experiencing major changes in the
form of the global educational environment. Integrated Primary Schools are
schools that have emerged as an alternative solution to some communities'
concerns about school quality. This article will specifically discuss how
service marketing is implemented at SDIT Muhammadiyah PK Rabbani
Klaten. The marketing management process consists of profile, planning,
organizing, implementing, monitoring, supporting and inhibiting factors,
marketing management results. This research uses descriptive qualitative
research methods and data collection techniques through interviews,
observation, documentation and copying.
The results of the research are that the service marketing strategy
that has been carried out by SD Muhammadiyah PK Rabbani has gone
through a good marketing process starting from planning, implementation,
evaluation and supervision and fulfills the 7P marketing aspects, namely
Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People. People), Process, and Physical
Evidence (Physical Form).
Marketing advertising strategy for SD Muhammadiyah PK Rabbani
education services through print media and online media which is dominated
by online media through Websites, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp
regarding school activities, student achievements and school achievements.
Keywords: management; marketing; integrated islamic elementary schoo